Contact Us
Tues to Thurs: 9:00 am—2:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am — 3:00 pm
572 S Livingston Ave,
Livingston, NJ 07039
Pre-care and Aftercare
- No alcohol for at least 24 hours before the procedure.
- No caffeine on the day of the procedure.
- No blood thinners including pain killers for at least 24 hours before the procedure.
- No aspirin, ibuprofen or aleve for at least 48 hours before the procedure.
- No working out on the day of the procedure.
- No sauna or tanning 1 week prior.
- You cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Discontinue use of fish oil or vitamin E at least one week prior.
- No botox injections in the brow area for at least 2 weeks prior to the procedure.
- No deep exfoliation in the brow area for at least 2 weeks prior to the procedure
- No retinol products, acne treatments or salicylic acid in the brow area for at least 4 weeks prior.
- No antibiotics at the time of your appointment.
- No eyebrow tinting 2 weeks prior to the procedure.
- A patch test will be performed prior to the procedure unless waived.
- Any waxing should be performed at least 48 hours before the procedure:
Electrolysis no less than five days before the procedure. - Please wear your normal makeup to the salon on the day of the procedure.
- Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may be swollen or red, it is advised not to
make social plans for the same day.
Immediately the days following your procedure, the tattooed area will appear to be darker and bolder in color and more sharply defined. The complete healing process takesabout 6-8 weeks, at which time the true color of the tattoo is evident. During this process, your tattoo will soften and lighten. Be patient and wait at least 6 weeks to see the true color.
Day of:
After the procedure, gently blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid.
Do this until the oozing has stopped.
Days 1-7 (wash & moisturize):
Gently wash the area each morning and night with water and gentle soap or an unscented
cleanser. With a very light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the area.
After each wash it is very important to let the brows dry completely before you add
moisturizer. To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue. DO NOT use any cleansing products
containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or exfoliants.
When dry, use a sterile Q-tip and GENTLY dab (DO NOT RUB) the balm provided onto
your brows using an amount equivalent to the size of half a grain of rice for each brow. (If
you use the correct amount you will not see a glossy look on your brows.
Day 5-12 (peeling/flaking phase):
Once this process begins you can discontinue washing and keep moisturizing your brows.
Do not pick, and allow the scab or dry skin to come off on its own.
DO NOT sleep on your face, please try everything possible to refrain from rolling on to
your face in your sleep.
When your brows are no longer flaky (typically between day 10-14) this phase of healing is
complete and you can resume regular activities. You will still want to avoid all products
on them that include active ingredients (acne or anti aging products, salicylic acid, etc)
and protect your fresh brows from UV exposure.
Exposure to the sun over time can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. Once
completely healed, always apply sunscreen (50 spf or greater) on the treated area.
Wear large sunglasses and a hat for further protection. Rinse and dry the area thoroughly
when in contact with chlorine.
Glycolic acid, microdermabrasion, and chemical face peel products and exfoliants must
be kept away from the tattooed area as continued use could lighten the pigment.
If you are having laser resurfacing or laser hair removal after your tattoo has healed,
please inform the laser technician. Continue at your own discretion. Laser procedures
may darken, lighten, or discolor the tattooed area.
Once the treated area is completely healed, any changes or additions that need to be
made can be done at your follow-up appointment no sooner than 6-8 weeks later.
There are no implied or written guarantees if you do not take care of your tattoo.
- No botox and/or cosmetic fillers around or on the area of the procedure.
- No chemical peels and/or laser treatments.
- No Retin-A and/or Accutane.
- No antibiotics.
- No steroids.
- For at least 5 nights prior to the procedure, exfoliate lips with a natural scrub
(sugar and coconut oil) before bedtime. - Apply Vaseline or Bepanthen lip cream after exfoliating the lips.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day for hydration and improved lip surface.
- Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Ibuprofen or Omega 3 unless medically
necessary, 48-72 hours prior to the procedure. - Do not take blood thinners.
- Do not drink caffeine, energy drinks or alcohol for at least 24h before the procedure.
- If you have a history of cold sores we advise you to go see your doctor to obtain the
proper prescription medication. Please start taking your medication 5 days prior to
your procedure and continue a few days after. - No working out the day of the procedure
- Change your pillowcase when you get home. Please be advised that any pigment
residue could stain your pillowcase for at least 1 week after your appointment. - Day of the procedure: Lips will feel swollen, dark and very dry after your
treatment. Pat lips gently with a wipe or tissue to remove excess lymph every hour
or so on the first day. You may also apply ice packs to help if they are very swollen. - Day 2-3: Apply a moisturizing lip ointment twice a day to moisten and prevent
them from forming a crust. Allow lips to dry for 5 minutes prior to applying your
aftercare lip balm. This should be done for at least 5-6 days post treatment. - Day 4: Apply a moisturizing lip ointment at night to prevent scabs and dryness,
continue to apply it for the entire week until the area is completely healed. Always
use a Q-tip to apply the ointment. Once the lips are no longer tender, they may
become flaky. This is normal. - Do not pick or scratch them. Doing so can significantly reduce the amount of
pigment that stays in the skin.
- Avoid lash tinting 2 weeks before. Do not dye or perm lashes for 10 days prior.
- If you have had Lasik or Cataract Surgery you need medical clearance from your
physician. - Eyelash extensions must be removed 1 week prior to your eyeliner procedure.
- No Latisse or any other eyelash serums for 4 weeks prior to
- No botox injections 2 weeks prior to procedure in eye area only.the procedure.
- The skin must be free of all irritations including blemishes, eczema, and psoriasis.
- No Accutane medication for one year prior to getting a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo.
- No Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Evening Primrose Oil, Ginger, Ginko one
week prior. - No anti-aging, skin brightening, anti-acne products for 30 days prior to your
appointment. - No facials, microdermabrasion, microneedling, peels or laser treatments for at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure.
- Do not take blood thinners.
- Avoid tanning beds, heavy sunlight or getting sunburn for 2 weeks prior to
procedure. - Do not drink caffeine, energy drinks or alcohol for at least 24 hours before the
- Do not wear mascara and have your eyes free of makeup and moisturizer.
- Do bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light sensitive.
- If you wear eyeglasses, please bring those to your appointment
- If you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before the procedure.
- No working out the day of the procedure!
- Expect the color to be harsh and appear darker and thicker due to swelling.
- After the procedure, cleansing should be done with a clean cotton pad in a padding
motion for the first 4 hours. This is to absorb excess lymph fluid. Removing this fluid
prevents hardening of any blood/lymphatic fluids. Don't apply ointment. - You can use ice packs for the first 48 hours for 10 minutes.
Days 1-3
- Expect swelling due to gravity.
- Change your pillowcase and avoid germs and pets around the area for 3 days.
- Don’t get the area wet, only clean it from lymph with a damp cotton pad from time
to time.
Days 4-10
- Clean the area with lukewarm water morning and night and air dry.
- Start ointment on the 3rd or 4th day. Apply a thin layer of ointment 2x daily for 3 to 4 days.